"Adi, turn around and eat your dinner!"
Adi replies" I just looking at something".
Me again " What are you looking at?"
" Just that cute, big, huge mountain."
Adi says, referring to the mountain view from our kitchen window.
" I will climb and climb and climb and get to that mountain and twirl and twirl and turn into a princess and I'll get high heels and Belay will get princes shoes that are boots and he will turn into a princes."
"Okay Adi, but for now will you just eat your dinner?"
"Okay mommy, but I am a princess and I will go to ballet when I am 3!"
Adi always includes her brother in all her day dreams and stories of the adventures they go on.
Love this post! And love Adi's dress... always looking glam, even at the beach. :)